بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
قرية المسيكتاب شمال هي من القري السودانيه العريقه الممتده شمال مدينه شندي وتبعد حوالي تسعه كيلومترات وتمتد عراقتها واصالتهافي تاريخ المنطقه وسكانها من قبيله الجعليين الذين ينتسبون الي العباس بن عبد المطلب . وإليك تسلسل النسب من السته وهم آخر ملوك (مك) وهم إدريس (أبو دريع) وبشارة والفحل ونمر وكمبلاوي ودياب أبناء عبد السلام (الفتلوب) بن إدريس التولي بن سليمان العدار بن دياب البرنس بن سعد أبو دبوس (قيل أنه رجل صالح وهو جد السعداب) بن عبد السلام بن عبد المعبود بن عدلان (وله إخوة وهم نافع ونفيع وجابر وجبير وعبد العال ومسلم) بن عرمان بن ضواب بن غانم بن حميدان بن صبح أبو مرخه بن مسمار بن سرار بن السلطان حسن كردم (جاء إلى السودان من الكوفة) بن أبو الديس قضاعة بن عبد الله بن حرقان بن مسروق بن أحمد بن إبراهيم جعل بن إدريس بن قيس بن يمن بن عدنان بن قصاص بن كرب بن محمد هاطل بن أحمد ياطل بن محمد ذو الكلاع بن سعد بن الفضل بن العباس بن محمد علي بن عبد الله بن العباس بن عبد المطلب.
وهذه نبذه تعريفيه عن تاريخ المنطقه: تقع جزيرة مسكيت بالقرب من الشلال السادس كان يتعبد فيها جد أهل المسيكتاب (مسيك,عليه رحمة الله ) وهو لقب الفكى حسين بن على0(925-1030هـ )وكان للشيخ عجيب المنجلك مسالة فقهيه كان الشيوخ فى ذلك الزمان قد عجزوا عنها ,وقد أفتاه فيها الفكى حسين بالفتوى التي يراها الشيخ عجيب المنجلك صائبة , وقد كان الشيخ عجيب المانجلك سلطان سنار يملك المنطقة الواقعة بين شندى وسنار فكانت جزيرة مسكيت تتبع لمملكتة فطلب الفكى حسين من الشيخ عجيب الجزيرة فأهداها له .
المناطق الت يوجد بها أهالي المسيكتاب المسيكتاب جنوب – والمسيكتاب شمال - واربجى – و العمارة طه – و العكوره – وعمارة ابيد – و الحقنه – و الحلفايه - وهذة المناطق كل سكانها مسيكتابي الأصل من نسل (الفكى حسين ( شاركت المسيكتاب مع المك نمر فى حريق الباشا المغروراسماعيل, كما شاركوا مع المهديه فى الجهاد ضد الانجليز ومن أشهرشهدائنا البطل( أحمد حمدون) الذى استشهد في عطبره على يد الانجليز وقيل عن فراسته أن الانجليزى الذى أطلق علية النار, زحف نحوه وأمسك به حتى قتله ثم مات بعدها, كما دمروا الحاميه فى عهد غردون بقيادة صالح المكفى .
وقد كان أهل المسيكتاب يستوطنون فى منطقة الفتراب قرب شندى وتفرقوا بعد حرب محمود ود أحمد فعاشوا في منطقتهم الحاليه المسيكتاب شمال, ولهم خمس قري رئيسية هى :العشرة ومن سكانها الشايقية والمصفحين وكنوز الشقالوة ثم بئر الشريف وبانت والقوز وحلة الشيخ ويسكنها فرع العمراب من المسيكتاب. أما أهل المسيكتاب جنوب فمنهم من رحل الى منطقة حجر العسل والسبلوقه الشلال السادس كما ذهب بعضهم الى أم درمان وأربجى وغيرها من قرى الجزيره وينقسم أهالي المسيكتاب الى خمس بطون هى *الأبراهيماب وهم ينحدرون من جزيره مسكيت *الحميداب وينتسبون الى حمدان الأسد من يحى الحمدان *العمراب الذين يسكنون حلة الشيخ* الدافعاب ويسكنون القوز*و الحبيكاب.
والفكى حسين بن على عاصرالشيخ حسن ود حسونه أيضا,ونسب الفكى حسين كلآتى حسين بن على بن محمد الصائغ بن جمعه الفريد بن عوض بن رباط بن سرار بن السلطان حسن كردم (جاء إلى السودان من الكوفة) بن أبو الديس قضاعة بن عبد الله بن حرقان بن مسروق بن أحمد بن إبراهيم جعل بن إدريس بن قيس بن يمن بن عدنان بن قصاص بن كرب بن محمد هاطل بن أحمد ياطل بن محمد ذو الكلاع بن سعد بن الفضل بن العباس بن محمد علي بن عبد الله بن العباس بن عبد المطلب.
ويجتمع أهل المسيكتاب مع العوضيه وهم اخوان الفرشاب والحفافره وقيل ان (مسيك,عليه رحمة الله) كان طالب علم بمصر في عهد الآجوري وأنجب فى الكبر ولدان هم حسين وحمد, أما الفكى حسين بن على فقد انجب سته أبناء هم:محمد وشلبي( جد الشبيلاب) اشقاء عبد الله وابراهيم ( جد الخوجلاب فرع المسيكتاب (اشقاء عيسي وموسي الملقب بضوين, اشقاء تولى ابراهيم خلافة ابيه ثم خلفه ابنه الخليفه حسين ومن زريته ابراهيم الفكياب والمويساب من العمراب والابراهيماب ومن زرية عبد الله حميداب الدافعاب وزرية عيسي منهم الغبوشاب وأولاد الفكي عبد المحمود الذي ينتسب إلى الشيخ عبد المحمود بحلفاية الملوك وزرية شبيلي جميع الشبيلاب ويشملون القريشاب والمناصير وأولاد الحج بالعيكوره وزرية محمد الحسناب بأربجي وأولاد طه بريفي ود حامد وزرية موسى جميع الخوجلاب وأولاد عبد الرحمن واليمناب . اما الابن الثاني لعلى والد الفكى حسين حمد الذى انجب حبيكة جد الحبيكاب. ,عليهم رحمة الله جميعاوآلهم وزريتهم الي يوم يبعثون.
The name of God the Merciful
Almsictab north of the village is one of the ancient period Sudanese villages north of the city of Shendi, and about nine km stretch Asalthave and originality in the history of the region and its inhabitants Aldjaliyn tribe who belong to Abbas bin Abdul Muttalib. Here's the sequence of ratios of the six who are the kings of the last (how) they Idris (Abu Drie) and Bishara and Fahal, a tiger and the people of Kmpelawi Diab Abdel-Salam (Afattlob) respectively Idris bin Suleiman bin hydra Prince Ben Diab Bin Saad Abu-pin (it was said that a good man, a very Sadab) Bin Abdul Salam bin Abdul Idol Ben Adlan (with brothers who are useful and Nafee Jubayr, Jaber and Abdel-Al and Muslim) Arman Bin Bin Bin Ghanim bin Dwab Hmeidan bin Abu Sabh Mrkh nail bin Sultan bin Hassan bin Srar Cardm (came to Sudan from Kufa) bin Abu Aldez otter bin burning stolen bin Ibrahim bin Ahmad bin Idris bin that bin Qais bin Yemen Adnan Bin Bin Bin Qassas distress torrential bin Mohammed bin Ahmed bin Mohammed Iatal is Alclaa bin Saad bin Fadl bin Abbas bin Ali bin Mohammed bin Abdullah bin Abbas Abdul-Muttalib.
This Business of the history of the region: Mskit Island is located near the waterfall was the sixth Itabd the very people Almsictab (Msek, by the mercy of God) is the title of facial Hussein Bin Ali 0 (925-1030 e) and the Sheikh Ageeb Almngelk doctrinal issue was at that time the Senate has it failed, and the facial Hussein is following the legal opinion, which sees Sheik Almngelk sound odd, and it was marvelous Almangelk Sheikh Sultan has Sinnar area between Shendi, Sennar was taken to the island kingdom Mskit requested facial Hussein Sheikh Vohdaha his wondrous island.
Walt areas where people Almsictab Almsictab South - North and Almsictab - and mounted - and Amara Taha - and Aekorh - Lapid and Architecture - and the injection - and Ahalfaye - and all the inhabitants of these areas Msictabi origin of the offspring (facial Hussain (co Almsictab are in the office dealing with the fire-Basha Amororasmaeil, also participated with the Mahdia is a holy war against the English champions Ochehrchdaina (HAMDOON Ahmed), who was martyred at the hands of Atbara in English and said about the English Frasth that he was shot, crawled towards him and grabbed him and then kill him until after he died, and destroyed the garrison in the era of Gordon led by Saleh Almkvy.
The people were settled in the area Almsictab Afattrab near Shendi and dispersed after the war, Dr. Mahmoud Ahmed Vashoa in their current Almsictab the North, and have the five villages is the key: It is ten Ahaiqip population and Almcefhin and treasures Alhqalop well-Sharif and then and Quoz Pant and suit-Sheikh and is inhabited by a branch of the Alamrab Almsictab. The people of South Almsictab Some moved to the area of honey and stone waterfall Sbelloukh the sixth and went to some of Omdurman and mounted and the other villages of the island and is divided into five people Almsictab stomachs Alobrahimap * They are descended from the island of Mskit * Ahamidab and claiming to be the lion of the Hamdan Hamdan Yahya * Alamrab Sheikh, who live in suit and Aldafab * live * and Alhabaykab Quoz.
And facial Hussein Bin Ali Hassan Dr. Hassouna Asraheik also, and facial proportions Klaty Hussein Hussein bin Ali bin Ahmed bin Mohammed bin Juma unique bond bin Awad bin Sultan bin Hassan Srar Cardm (came to Sudan from Kufa) bin Abu Aldez otter bin Abdullah bin burning bin stolen bin Ahmed bin Ibrahim bin Idris bin that bin Qais bin Yemen Qassas Adnan Bin Mohammad Bin Bin distress torrential Iatal bin Ahmed bin Mohammed bin Saad Alclaa is credited bin Abbas bin Ali bin Mohammed bin Abdullah bin Abbas bin Abdul Muttalib.
Almsictab meet with the people they Alawwadih Brothers Alvrchab and Alhvafarh It was said that (Msek, by the mercy of God) was a student in Egypt in the era of Alajor and had two children in old age are Hussein Hamad, and the facial Hussein Bin Ali was a kid six children are: Muhammad Shalabi and (very Alcbelab) brothers, Abdullah and Ibrahim (very Kocalab Branch Almsictab (brothers, Jesus and Moses, alias Bazavin, brothers, Ibrahim took a succession of his father and then his successor, his son, Khalifa Ibrahim Hussein is Zarith Alvkiab and Alamuesab of Alamrab and Brahimab is Zarip Hamedab Aldafab Abdullah and Issa Zarip Ghabachop them and the children of facial Abdalmahmood which belongs Sheikh Abdalmahmood Bhlvaip kings and Zarip Shabelle and include all Alcbelab Alqrishab and Manasir and children and Zarip Balaekorh Hajj Muhammad Al_husnab Borbjee Brevi and the children of Dr. Taha Hamed Moussa Zarip Kocalab all children and Abdel-Rahman, Alemenab. The second son of the father of facial Hussein Hamad, who had a very Habaykp Alhabaykab., they Rahmtalla Jmieoalhm Zarithm and sent to the day
Almsictab north of the village is one of the ancient period Sudanese villages north of the city of Shendi, and about nine km stretch Asalthave and originality in the history of the region and its inhabitants Aldjaliyn tribe who belong to Abbas bin Abdul Muttalib. Here's the sequence of ratios of the six who are the kings of the last (how) they Idris (Abu Drie) and Bishara and Fahal, a tiger and the people of Kmpelawi Diab Abdel-Salam (Afattlob) respectively Idris bin Suleiman bin hydra Prince Ben Diab Bin Saad Abu-pin (it was said that a good man, a very Sadab) Bin Abdul Salam bin Abdul Idol Ben Adlan (with brothers who are useful and Nafee Jubayr, Jaber and Abdel-Al and Muslim) Arman Bin Bin Bin Ghanim bin Dwab Hmeidan bin Abu Sabh Mrkh nail bin Sultan bin Hassan bin Srar Cardm (came to Sudan from Kufa) bin Abu Aldez otter bin burning stolen bin Ibrahim bin Ahmad bin Idris bin that bin Qais bin Yemen Adnan Bin Bin Bin Qassas distress torrential bin Mohammed bin Ahmed bin Mohammed Iatal is Alclaa bin Saad bin Fadl bin Abbas bin Ali bin Mohammed bin Abdullah bin Abbas Abdul-Muttalib.
This Business of the history of the region: Mskit Island is located near the waterfall was the sixth Itabd the very people Almsictab (Msek, by the mercy of God) is the title of facial Hussein Bin Ali 0 (925-1030 e) and the Sheikh Ageeb Almngelk doctrinal issue was at that time the Senate has it failed, and the facial Hussein is following the legal opinion, which sees Sheik Almngelk sound odd, and it was marvelous Almangelk Sheikh Sultan has Sinnar area between Shendi, Sennar was taken to the island kingdom Mskit requested facial Hussein Sheikh Vohdaha his wondrous island.
Walt areas where people Almsictab Almsictab South - North and Almsictab - and mounted - and Amara Taha - and Aekorh - Lapid and Architecture - and the injection - and Ahalfaye - and all the inhabitants of these areas Msictabi origin of the offspring (facial Hussain (co Almsictab are in the office dealing with the fire-Basha Amororasmaeil, also participated with the Mahdia is a holy war against the English champions Ochehrchdaina (HAMDOON Ahmed), who was martyred at the hands of Atbara in English and said about the English Frasth that he was shot, crawled towards him and grabbed him and then kill him until after he died, and destroyed the garrison in the era of Gordon led by Saleh Almkvy.
The people were settled in the area Almsictab Afattrab near Shendi and dispersed after the war, Dr. Mahmoud Ahmed Vashoa in their current Almsictab the North, and have the five villages is the key: It is ten Ahaiqip population and Almcefhin and treasures Alhqalop well-Sharif and then and Quoz Pant and suit-Sheikh and is inhabited by a branch of the Alamrab Almsictab. The people of South Almsictab Some moved to the area of honey and stone waterfall Sbelloukh the sixth and went to some of Omdurman and mounted and the other villages of the island and is divided into five people Almsictab stomachs Alobrahimap * They are descended from the island of Mskit * Ahamidab and claiming to be the lion of the Hamdan Hamdan Yahya * Alamrab Sheikh, who live in suit and Aldafab * live * and Alhabaykab Quoz.
And facial Hussein Bin Ali Hassan Dr. Hassouna Asraheik also, and facial proportions Klaty Hussein Hussein bin Ali bin Ahmed bin Mohammed bin Juma unique bond bin Awad bin Sultan bin Hassan Srar Cardm (came to Sudan from Kufa) bin Abu Aldez otter bin Abdullah bin burning bin stolen bin Ahmed bin Ibrahim bin Idris bin that bin Qais bin Yemen Qassas Adnan Bin Mohammad Bin Bin distress torrential Iatal bin Ahmed bin Mohammed bin Saad Alclaa is credited bin Abbas bin Ali bin Mohammed bin Abdullah bin Abbas bin Abdul Muttalib.
Almsictab meet with the people they Alawwadih Brothers Alvrchab and Alhvafarh It was said that (Msek, by the mercy of God) was a student in Egypt in the era of Alajor and had two children in old age are Hussein Hamad, and the facial Hussein Bin Ali was a kid six children are: Muhammad Shalabi and (very Alcbelab) brothers, Abdullah and Ibrahim (very Kocalab Branch Almsictab (brothers, Jesus and Moses, alias Bazavin, brothers, Ibrahim took a succession of his father and then his successor, his son, Khalifa Ibrahim Hussein is Zarith Alvkiab and Alamuesab of Alamrab and Brahimab is Zarip Hamedab Aldafab Abdullah and Issa Zarip Ghabachop them and the children of facial Abdalmahmood which belongs Sheikh Abdalmahmood Bhlvaip kings and Zarip Shabelle and include all Alcbelab Alqrishab and Manasir and children and Zarip Balaekorh Hajj Muhammad Al_husnab Borbjee Brevi and the children of Dr. Taha Hamed Moussa Zarip Kocalab all children and Abdel-Rahman, Alemenab. The second son of the father of facial Hussein Hamad, who had a very Habaykp Alhabaykab., they Rahmtalla Jmieoalhm Zarithm and sent to the day
أهل الدين والعلم والأخلاق
زائرالأحد 19 يوليو 2009, 9:16 am